• 给我一年,我就会变好(真的吗?!)
  • Desperately Seeking Self-Improvement: a year inside the optimization movement
  • 作者:Carl Cederström 、André Spicer
  • 出版社代理人:OR Books(美国)
  • 出版时间:2017年11月
  • 页数:320页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
**《Wellness Syndrome》 两位作者的新作!
“Two crazy people try numerous crazy strategies, all so I don't have to. I call that a result!”—Lee Child, author
“Brilliantly sardonic.” —The Guardian, on Cederström and Spicer’s The Wellness Syndrome
两位作者花了一年的时间全心投入自我完善的新兴运动。为的就是超越人类在身体及心理上的限制。他们为每个月份设定一个项目,透过不同的方式改善自己:一月是生产力、二月是身体、三月是脑袋、六月是性爱、九月是金钱… 四月大概是最棘手的月份,因为四月的主题是关系,当他们开始检视对彼此的感觉,结果竟然让人啼笑皆非又痛苦…
结果,这两个自愿参与(独特,有时甚至非常危险)实验的“小白鼠”,根本几乎没有让自己变得更好(?!)。他们拿自己做了一堆实验:用应用程式电极自己以增进专注例、戴着据说可以改善睡眠的头带、尝试用关联法学习法增加记忆力、 受训让自己成为举重选手、撰写他们(仍然)以为可以成为畅销书的北欧侦探故事、参加激励营和密宗工作坊、参加新世纪营队、体验情趣用品和可以增加生产力的药物。Andre甚至在伦敦地铁上(几乎)裸体,为的就是要客服对身体的负面印象。
不论如何,两位年轻的教授都平安称过了这充满未知又刺激的一年研究。而且他们还为这个实验写了这本令人大开眼界的书。 这本书的内容是这两位作者的日记,而且是平行呈现,让读者看到同一件事,两位作者的感受和体验是什么。
“Carl Cederström and André Spicer’s brilliantly sardonic anatomy of this “wellness syndrome ”concentrates on the ways in which the pressure to be well operates as a moralising command and obliterates political engagement... These authors would no doubt agree that there is nothing wrong with being well or wanting to be well. But, as their deeply humane and persuasive book shows, being told to be well is a different matter entirely. A society where wellness is obligatory is a sick one. ” —Steven Poole, The Guardian

"When I read their angry, hilarious book, The Wellness Syndrome, I felt like I was being shaken awake from a dream. ” —Helen Rumbelow, The Times

“My underlying scepticism about society's single-minded quest for physical perfection was validated when I came across The Wellness Syndrome. Like me, the authors don't have any gripes about wellness per se… but what they are concerned about is how wellness has become an ideology. The more we focus on our own wellness, the book argues, the more we alienate others and the more isolated we become... By spending so much time looking inward, in a relentless pursuit for the ideal body and state of mind, we pay less attention to the wider world and its ills. ”
—Gabrielle Monghan, Irish Independent

“Short, brilliant and bracing, The Wellness Syndrome is the Brave New World de nos jours, a mordant satire on our contemporary mores... I pray that the authors will put a lot of life coaches (and celebrity chefs and similar fraudsters) out of business. ” —Andy Martin, Literary Review

“The book’s great virtue is its lightness of theoretical touch, which combines Darwin-award style tales of idiocy with punchy commentary to make for the kind of readability conducive to cult status among undergraduates. ” —Gerald Moore, Radical Philosophy
Carl Cederström是斯德哥尔摩大学商学院的副教授,也是五本著作的共同作者或共同编辑。The New York TimesThe GuardianThe Atlantic 及 Harvard Business Review等报章杂志都能看到他的文章。
André Spicer 是伦敦大学城市学院卡斯商学院的教授,也是五本著作的共同作者或共同编辑。The GuardianFinancial TimesTimesIndependent 及CNN等报章媒体都能看到他的文章。