• 混乱、次序,以及宇宙的其他动静:那些你不知道的物理学
  • Caos, Orden Y Otras Movidas del Universo (Chaos, Order and Other Movements of the Universe)
  • 作者:Adrian Garcia
  • 出版社代理人:Ediciones Oberon (西班牙)
  • 出版时间:2023年9月
  • 页数:376页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


如果当你想到“物理学”时,你首先想到的就是穿着实验服的科学家通过望远镜观察或研究盒子里的量子猫,那么这本书非常适合你!21 世纪的物理学正在打破模型,今天的物理学家应用传统物理理念和工具来研究非常多样化的主题,一些我们可能都觉得跟物理学不相干的一些主题!这些包括动物的迁徙、城市贫民窟的形成、斑马如何长出条纹,甚至是成群的八哥飞过城市的动态。这些问题都有一个共同点:它们都是复杂的系统。我们可以在蚂蚁群、金属音乐会的歌迷、连接互联网的电脑、沙粒或混乱的激光中发现复杂性。我们周围充斥着新兴现象,这些现象只有在许多元素相互作用时才会存在。




Adrián, known online as "The Bearded Physicist", has a degree in Physics from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) and a master's degree in Physics of Complex Systems from the Institute of Interdisciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC). He has more than 700,000 followers on his social networks, where he uploads popular science videos mixing physics and mathematics with geek culture in an original and entertaining way.

After being a semi-finalist in the FameLab national scientific monologue competition (organized by the FECyT), he has co-presented "Balears fa Ciència", the first and only scientific dissemination program on television in the Balearic Islands, in addition to having several sections in the radio version of the program. He has appeared on the stages of the main scientific dissemination events in Spain such as Desgranando Ciencia or Naukas, participates in the creative science and dissemination platform "Scenio" and is a member of the group of scientific stand-up comedians "Big Van Ciencia". In 2022 he was a finalist in TikTok's #ForYouFest awards in the Education "Reference Creator" category.