• 视觉的重要性
  • The Matter of Vision: Affective Neurobiology & Cinema
  • 作者:Peter Wyeth
  • 出版社代理人:John Libbey Publishing(美国)
  • 出版时间:2015年2月
  • 页数:226页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagecny.com
电影分析中,普遍认为观众是透过语言了解影像的。但作者Peter Wyeth认为这样的分析框架并未将影像的本质---“视觉”,纳入考量。Wyeth在《视觉的重要性》一书中,试着用神经科学和演化生物学的角度,解决这个问题,让我们更深入地了解“视觉”在影像中所扮演的重要角色,让我们更进阶地了解电影中那些只能透过“视觉”才能了解的细节。
"The book has (an) important overlap with what some of the brightest people in computational neuroscience are saying - that there is a 'third way' for brains to work that is not connectionist or language symbol manipulation but something more pictorial that we should all have known about but has been missed. (Wyeth may have to be) content that just a few people may find it rather exciting, (but) what I particularly like about the book is that it points us in a direction with huge scope." ―Journal of Consciousness Studies
Peter Wyeth已经拍片超过四十年了,是一位国际知名的纪录片导演。