• 轮子为什么是圆的:肌肉、科技以及世界是如何运转
  • Why the Wheel is Round: Muscles, Technology, and How We Make Things Move
  • 作者:Steven Vogel
  • 出版社代理人:University of Chicago Press(美国)
  • 出版时间:2016年
  • 页数:344页包括81张黑白图以及64张线图
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
作者Steven Vogel结合了他工程师的知识以及他对于轮子以及世界如何运转的好奇心来写出这本书。他探讨了轮子以及其他的机制如何,直到非常近期,都是以人类或者动物的肌肉以及骨架来推与拉才能有动力。本书探讨了各式各样的轮子、齿轮等等,并思考这些科技如何多样化成为手拿钻头等其他工具。读者或许不知道,这些强力的工具其实可以从非常日常生活上的物品建造出来,作者也在书中提供一些简单的说明,让读者可以自己做做看自己的肌肉动力的机器。
Richard Marsh, Brown University
“Reading this book, I found myself being pulled along by the curiosity of Vogel as he connects the power provided by the muscles of humans and animals with the immense variety of rotating objects invented over the course of human history. Despite the book’s title, wheels are only one part of the story. Firmly grounded in Vogel’s deep understanding of physical principles, the book is as informative as it is entertaining.”
Anna Ahn, Harvey Mudd College
“Vogel writes with his typical, easy-as-pi style that epitomizes his intense curiosity for all things round. Gear up to read topics revolving around tools, toys, machines, and even animals.  Ever the spokesman for experiments, Vogel goes full circle by ending with an appendix filled with DIY physical models.  Whether you’re a tinkerer in the garage, an inquisitive self-educator, or a budding biomechanist, this page-turner will round out your knowledge of circular motion.”  
 Steven Vogel是美国Duke University的生物学James B. Duke名誉教授。