• 超越0与1:机器、迷幻药与意识
  • 作者:Andrew Smart
  • 出版社代理人:OR Books (美国)
  • 出版时间:2015年12月
  • 页数:268页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
我们有办法打造一部会吃迷幻药的机器人吗?这可不是个无聊的问题,据神经学家Andrew Smart的说法,如果我们办不到,那我们离成功做出人工智慧还远得很!
作者Andrew Smart交叉研究了像是《哥德尔、埃舍尔、巴赫:集异璧之大成》(Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid)与费马大定理(Fermat’s Last Theorem),并交织了二进位、麦角二乙醯胺(LSD)的发现、, 莱布尼兹法则(Leibniz)、电脑程式等概念,把大量的迷幻药研究与人工智慧及科学家想打造出有意识的机器人之想法连结在一起。《超越0与1:机器、迷幻药与意识》借鉴了数学、哲学与数位科技的历史,挑战了人工智慧的基本假设。人类大脑是以计算为基础吗?单凭讯息就能解读人类意识与智慧吗?智能就是真正的智慧,要打造出人工智慧,我们需要拥有超越电脑的知识。
“Andrew Smart deftly shows why it’s time for us to think deeply about thinking machines before they begin thinking deeply about us.” —Douglas Rushkoff, author, Escaping the Growth Trap, Present Shock, and Program or Be Programmed
“Provocative and cool.” —Cory Doctorow
“Forget the Turing test—will the supersmart AIs that we hear so much about these days pass the acid test? In this playful, informative, and prescient book, Andrew Smart brings psychedelics into dialogue with neuroscience in order to challenge the whiz-bang computational views of human and machine sentience that dominate the headlines. Giving robots LSD sounds like a joke, but Smart is dead serious in his critique of the hidden and sometimes dangerous biases that underlie both popular and scientific fantasies of digital minds.” —Erik Davis, host of “Expanding Mind” and author, Techgnosis: Myth, Magic, and Mysticism in the Age of Information
“Philosophy, psychedelics, robots, and the future; consciousness and intelligence, what else do you desire? Here you will see why those machines that reach singularity will be smarter than us and take over the world—and shall need to be conscious…and maybe they can only be conscious if they are human enough. The thesis of the book, and the path shown us by Smart, leads to a great trip, of imagination and philosophy, of maths and neuroscience.” —Dr. Tristan Bekinschtein, Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of Cambridge
Andrew Smart 是《随性而行:无为的艺术与科学》(Autopilot: The Art and Science of Doing Nothing)。他是一位对意识、大脑与科技非常感兴趣的科学家及工程师,他的研究横贯了神经科学、哲学、文化、政治及形上学。他在美国长大,但在瑞典受教育、结婚,住过纽约、明尼亚波利斯,他现在住在瑞士。