• 电影人眼中的科学
  • Houston, We Have a Narrative: Why Science Needs Story
  • 作者:Randy Olson
  • 出版社代理人:University of Chicago (美国)
  • 出版时间:2015年九月
  • 页数:256页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
Randy Olson说,这可真是天大的错误:科学家要跟好莱坞学的还多着呢,不只是说故事的技巧,还有“进行”科学的技巧。在《电影人眼中的科学》一书中,他用再简单不过的方法将无趣的科学变得充满戏剧性。作者过去离开科学领域成为电影人的背景让他率先发现一个问题:当科学家和别人谈论自己的实验时,他们的叙述方式无趣、僵化。但人们需要如故事般的基本要素,才能理解,我们大脑能理解的叙事架构,就是Olson提到的--“和(And)、但是(But)、因此(Therefore),简称ABT”连接转折语所带出的因果关系。ABT 叙事法带入能量(“And”), 冲突 (“But”), 与解决方案(“Therefore”)—建构故事的基本架构。Olson在世界各地无数的研讨会上,教这些科学家使用ABT叙事法,成效惊人:忽然间,这些科学家讲的不只是他们的研究了,他们讲的是故事。观众们也听的津津有味。
"If you've read the Dot Earth blog a lot, you know I'm a fan of the ultimate science-as-story coach, Randy Olson, who left a tenured job teaching marine biology to make provocative films on science controversies and then write, and write, and write about connecting science to society through storytelling. His new book, Houston, We Have a Narrative, is the ultimate distillation of his communication philosophy, which is to be relentlessly, even recklessly, creative (avoiding 'the nerd loop' at all costs) while hewing rigorously to a template that has roots in Aristotle and Hegel and runs through every South Park episode."
(Andy Revkin New York Times)
"From Aristotle to South Park, Randy Olson has mined story-telling wisdom through the ages to develop this funny, helpful guide for scientists who want to meld minds with the rest of the human race. He shows why scientists need to tell stories, and then he shows them how to do it."
(Carl Zimmer, author of Parasite Rex)
"Though Olson argues that the centrality of narrative is universal and timeless (he is good at invoking Aristotle and Hegel in his support), one of his best points is that, in the wake of the knowledge explosion and the digital onslaught, we need the simplifying effects of story more than ever to cope with the problem of massive information overload.  Olson's own writing is itself a model of how to cut through today's cognitive clutter: he's audacious and unafraid to be provocative, qualities that made it easy for me to read his book straight through at a sitting.'
(Gerald Graff, author of Clueless in Academe)
"Applying a screenwriting scientist's eye to everything from the Gettysburg Address to the discovery of DNA to global climate change, Olson shows how closely the principles of great narrative can match up with the scientific process. More important, he lays out in clear, specific steps what scientists can do to bridge the unnecessary but persistent gap between good science and good story. The results ought to be of enormous benefit to both science and the public."
(David H. Freedman, contributing editor, The Atlantic)
"Olson brings the mind of a scientist to the search for structure within narrative which he has now codified for the mass communicator. His new book on narrative provides simple, powerful templates that are widely applicable."
(Nancy Duarte, CEO, Duarte, Inc., and best-selling author)
"The ultimate science story coach."
(Andrew Revkin New York Times)
“Olson presents useful narrative techniques that scientists at various career stages could easily implement. The speed with which scientists can hope to achieve narrative proficiency using the tools in the book is one of its remarkable strengths and a testament to Olson’s straightforward advice.”
Randy Olson 搬到好莱坞进入南加大电影学院以前,是新罕布什尔大学的海洋生物学教授。他编导过许多电影,包括知名纪录片Flock of Dodos ,他也是许多畅销书及的作者,其中包括Don’t Be Such A Scientist