• 成为大自然
  • Essere Natura (Being Nature)
  • 作者:Andrea Staid
  • 出版社代理人:UTET(意大利)
  • 出版时间:2022年10月
  • 页数:130页
  • 已售版权:西班牙语
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

作者Andrea Staid是这一代最重要的人类学家之一,他说:“The time has come to establish an ecology where all living things, including mankind, interact without species boundaries. Nature must be thought of and experienced not as separate from man but as a whole of relationships. Nature is an interweaving of lives not a slogan to revive the economy in crisis.”



人类将自己成为世界的掠食者来宣告我们的统治地位。人类学家Andrea Staid在书中追溯人类中心主义的演变,以及讨论这如何决定了自然与文化的二元性,让人类把大自然以及它的生态系统当作资源来丰富自己。我们这个时代的人类的最大挑战就是发掘出一个生态方式来保护我们的环境,就算这代表可能会减少经济上的成长。


Andrea Staid teaches Cultural and Visual Anthropology at Naba, and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Genoa. Among his works: I dannati della metropoli (Milieu 2014), Gli arditi del popolo (Milieu 2015), Abitare illegale (Milieu 2017), Le nostre braccia (Milieu 2015), Senza Confini (Milieu 2018), Contro la gerarchia e il dominio (Meltemi 2018), Disintegrati (Nottetempo 2020), La casa vivente (ADD 2021). His books have been translated in Greece, Germany, Spain, China. He collaborates with several newspapers including “Il Tascabile.”