• 蔚蓝海岸的童话
  • The Once Upon a Time World: The Dark and Sparkling Story of the French Riviera
  • 作者:Jonathan Miles
  • 出版社代理人:Atlantic Books(英国)
  • 出版时间:2023年5月
  • 页数:464页,包括插图
  • 已售版权:美国英语
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

*FINANCIAL TIMES 2023年推荐书籍(https://www.ft.com/content/e0931fc8-2650-4c79-a423-6240b1aa229b )

*SUNDAY TIMES书评:‘Phenomenal… Utterly absorbing’


1835年,Lord Brougham创立了坎城,将修剪整齐的草坪介绍给地中海海岸的荒野。今天,这个海岸是世界上最有钱的旅游者朝圣的独家天堂。从1835年到今天,这片地是如何一步一步走到变成这样的文化象征?这里的小镇以及度假村吸引了许多英国、俄罗斯以及美国的最有钱、最有才华以及最有名的人。在近200年的创意、奢华、过量、丑闻、战争、贪婪、黑暗以及光荣,蔚蓝海岸是一个吸引许多有梦想的人。从毕加索、Coco Chanel、滚石乐团到Sartre,各式各样的名人都来过这个地方,而作者在书中说出他们的故事。


Jonathan Miles had a nomadic childhood and currently lives in Paris. Having taken a first from University College, London, he received his doctorate from Jesus College, Oxford. Early books include studies of British artists Eric Gill and David Jones. Most recently, Medusa: The Shipwreck, the Scandal and the Masterpiece, Nine Lives of Otto Katz and St Petersburg: Three Centuries of Murderous Desire were all published to international acclaim.