• 地图日本
  • Cartographic Japan
  • 作者:Kären Wigen、Sugimoto Fumiko以及Cary Karacas
  • 出版社代理人:University of Chicago Press(美国)
  • 出版时间:2016年
  • 页数:336页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
*   本书收入111张全彩图片
Kären Wigen是美国史丹福大学的历史教授。
Cary Karacas是纽约城市大学CUNY College of Staten Island的地理副教授。
Andrew Gordon, Harvard University
“A treasure trove of short essays on the history of mapping, Cartographic Japan offers a rich range of insights in the mapping of Japanese history across a remarkable range of scales. Among them are neighborhoods, markets, workplaces, cities, regions, colonies and empire, cosmology and religion, and of course various apprehensions of the nation-state.  This book belongs on the shelf of anyone who teaches about Japan or who is fascinated by its history, as well as all those fascinated by the search for meaning in maps.”
Jordana Dym, Skidmore College
Cartographic Japan revels in how deeply maps have been embedded in organizing Japanese society and its literal and figurative boundaries, shaping knowledge and policies, and even saving lives, for the past fifteen hundred years.  Whether carefully describing original mapmaking traditions or explaining why historical maps reprinted in the 1960s unleashed controversy, the fifty-eight short chapters and accompanying illustrations bring Japanese history to life in stories spanning space and time. The authors of this important and ambitious contribution offer scholars, students, and map buffs alike a privileged seat at the banquet table of cartographic history, with access to the plans, hopes, and dreams of an impressive range of Japanese leaders, intellectuals, merchants, and citizens and a handful of the foreigners who made maps matter.”
Thongchai Winichakul, University of Wisconsin–Madison
“If a picture paints a thousand words, this book shows how maps tell countless stories of Japan’s past. Not only do the fifty-eight short essays and multitude of illustrations in Cartographic Japan offer windows into particular moments in Japan’s history, but they also form fascinating visualized narratives. It is an innovative and enjoyable approach to imagining Japan’s past beyond simply the pragmatic function of these maps.”