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  • 吃素也可以吃出健康的骨骼
  • The Healthy Bones Plant-Based Nutrition Plan and Cookbook
  • 作者:Laura Kelly、Helen Kelly、Jummee Park
  • 出版社代理人:Chelsea Green Publishing(美国)
  • 出版时间:2024年9月
  • 页数:320页包括全彩图片
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

这是一本独特的营养指南和食谱——书中包含 100 多种美味食谱——可以帮助任何年龄的读者保持最佳骨密度并预防骨质疏松症。

饮食中多吃植物、以植物为主或完全吃植物,能让你拥有健康的骨骼吗?骨密度降低是否是年轻人选择植物性食物所必须付出的不可避免的代价?骨骼健康精准医疗专家Dr. Laura Kelly从患者和同事那里听到这些问题,他们引用研究表明,作为一个群体,素食者和纯素食者的骨密度可能低于吃动物性食物的人。在这本书中,Dr. Kelly彻底探讨这个问题,让读者知道这是一个错误的迷思。她为读者提供一个素食者能使用的计划来满足健康骨骼的营养需求或努力逆转骨质流失。她解释了为什么以植物为主、素食或纯素饮食的人有时会遭遇骨密度低的问题;指出了可能影响骨骼健康的环境因素;并解释了如何将风险降至最低,同时列出了任何人都可以采取的恢复、改善和维持骨密度的步骤。



 关于植物性食物所提供的丰富营养的完整信息,以及植物性食物本身如何有助于强化骨骼的解释

 解释关于基因表达和使用基因检测来帮助那些正在与骨质疏松作斗争的人的激动人心的研究发现。营养遗传学和营养基因组学的新科学使从业者能够了解患者的基因特征如何影响骨密度,以及详细的营养和食物处方如何以优雅而有效的方式预防或治疗骨质疏松症

 骨骼强度和密度随年龄下降的原因,以及有助于恢复周转平衡的营养干预类型

 如何应对和克服选择完全植物性生活所带来的营养生物利用度的挑战

 天才素食厨师 Jummee Park 创作了 100 多种食谱,以蔬菜、水果、谷物、蘑菇、坚果、豆类、种子、可食用花卉和香料的美味和多样化组合为特色

 如何使用线上营养计算器制作您自己的美味植物组合,以提供全面营养所需的完整蛋白质、铁、维生素 A 和 B12



Dr. Laura Kelly is a Traditional Chinese Medicine physician-scientist, CEO, activist educator, and the coauthor of The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook. She takes a hybrid approach to diagnosis, disease care, and wellness, drawing on principles and practices of precision medicine, integrative medicine, and Chinese medicine to investigate and treat malfunctioning mechanisms in the body. In her private practice, Dr. Kelly has worked with hundreds of people, from age 30 to 93, tailoring nutrition to prevent, mitigate, or reverse bone loss. She incorporates whole genome sequence genetics and individualized biomarkers to treat and prevent bone density decline and osteoporosis. This personalized precision approach has produced a range of bone density improvements of 12 to 18 percent among the patients she works with, with individual increases of up to 44 percent over two years.

To make her approach more widely available, in 2019 Dr. Kelly developed Opal, a protocol that offers the public access to testing and specifies treatment in the form of a personalized nutrition plan. In 2022, Laura founded O-Co, a company built to provide sexual wellness care for women, especially women 50+.


“The Healthy Bones Plant-Based Nutrition Plan and Cookbook is a stunning book that has it all: groundbreaking, emerging science presented in a simple, easy-to-grasp manner and delicious recipes that ensure health and vitality.”—Pat Crocker, author of The Juicing Bible and The Herbalist’s Kitchen

“The Healthy Bones Plant-Based Nutrition Plan and Cookbook is a fantastic practical guide to preventing osteoporosis and promoting long-term bone health. The authors simplify complex bone-health science and offer a wealth of delicious, nutrient-packed, plant-based recipes. Each recipe is easy to prepare, making healthy eating a delight. With clear, actionable advice and comprehensive meal plans, this book is an essential read for anyone committed to maintaining strong, healthy bones naturally. Highly recommended for its informative content and culinary creativity!”—Kia Miller, founder, Radiant Body Yoga

“The Healthy Bones Plant-Based Nutrition Plan and Cookbook is a must-read for conscious eaters. Laura Kelly and Helen Kelly provide a fascinating grounding in the science, and the book is made craveable by chef Jummee Park’s beautiful recipes for the everyday cook. This is food as medicine in a deliciously digestible form.”—Erik Oberholtzer, chef; cofounder of Tender Greens; author of Ten Year Plan

“Dr. Laura Kelly and Helen Bryman Kelly thoroughly explain why osteoporosis is most often due to deficiency, not disease, and how and why to prepare traditional foods for bone health as well as overall gut health. Writing from firsthand experience, these authors have dotted every ‘I’ and crossed every ‘T’ when it comes to eating for bone health. This is a must-read for those looking to treat osteoporosis and for anyone looking to understand nutrition, eat traditionally, and thrive.”—Hilary Boynton, coauthor of The Heal Your Gut Cookbook

“The Healthy Bones Nutrition Plan and Cookbook is part of a sweeping change in the way scientists, practitioners, and writers are thinking about health care and how people can shift their state of being from chronic illness to good health. Readers who follow the guidance provided by Dr. Laura Kelly and Helen Kelly to create a personal nutrition plan will be empowered to interact with medical professionals in a new, more rational, safer, and less costly way. And they will enjoy much better health outcomes, relying on truths that are highly likely to endure.”—from the Foreword by Sidney MacDonald Baker, MD