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  • 神奇的活菌:你肠道里的超能力
  • Power Biotique (Powerbiotics)
  • 作者:Marion Kaplan以及Alma Rota
  • 出版时间:2018年10月
  • 页数:336页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com




Marion Kaplan, born in February 1956 in Paris, she is a bio-nutritionist, specialized in energy medicines, and for thirty years, she has focused her research on understanding the sources of human diseases and on the means, if not to cure them, at least to keep them healthy through a policy of prevention. This led her to define an original method of preparing and steaming food that preserves all vital nutrients, while eliminating fats and toxins that overload and weaken the body.

The Society for the Encouragement of Progress recognized his work in 1989 by awarding him the Bronze Medal through Professor Louis Leprince Ringuet. Since then she has persevered and developed her actions in this way that she characterizes by the old formula: a healthy mind in a healthy body. She has written many books on diet with Dr. Kousmine, a doctor specializing in cancer and multiple sclerosis.

In 2000, she wrote a practical book on soft steam cooking, prefaced by Professor Henri Joyeux of the Cancer Institute and the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier. She has publicized her work through numerous conferences and seminars on Conscious Nutrition. The Society for the Encouragement of Progress urged her to continue in this way of the future and recognized her work accomplished by awarding her the Silver Medal in 2001 through Professor Yves Coppens. She has just released the book "preserve your health for life". This book brings together a hundred diseases that she explains by describing their psychological aspect and micro-nutritional and nutritional solutions to get out of it without sequelae. It is increasingly concerned with understanding the mechanisms of disease and cure using the most advanced biotechnologies and is opening a new avenue for understanding many diseases. From these studies emerged a new book in 2005, Nutrition Conscience published by Grancher. She has since discovered that chronic diseases can be due to food intolerances, including gluten and casein. This research led to his latest book at Jouvence "Gluten and dairy free food". This new diet requires a total reform of her way of eating and cooking, which is why she decided to accompany this change by writing a steamed cookbook without gluten or dairy products that was released in May 2007 by Grancher...

Digital media professional, Alma Rota founded, in 2012, after the discovery of her gluten intolerance, the first French site dedicated to gluten-free life: C-sansgluten.com. She regularly speaks in the media and trade fairs and is the author of several books on these issues, including Vivre sans gluten pour les nuls (FIRST éditions).