2024 年不仅是奥运会之年!它也是庆祝超现实主义诞生 100 周年的一年。超现实主义是 20 世纪的一项重大运动,由安德烈·布勒东 (André Breton) 笔下结晶,达利和马格利特将其推向顶峰,还有让·阿尔普 (Jean Arp)、保罗·德尔沃 (Paul Delvaux)、莱昂尼尔·菲尼 (Leonir Fini)、梅雷特·奥本海姆 (Meret Oppenheim),其对 20 世纪和 21 世纪的影响仍然无与伦比!这场迷人、充满活力和挑衅性的运动诞生于第一次世界大战之后。它的根源和主题来自潜意识、梦境、性和暴力。这场运动的主要基础是什么?哪些艺术家(无论男女)给它留下了持久的印记?我们如何解读其奇怪而神秘的作品?这本活动书重新发现了最伟大的超现实主义艺术家,并探索了绘画、文学、诗歌、电影、摄影等领域的创始作品……超现实主义的参考书!
Sandrine Andrews is an art historian and critic. She worked for the prestigious Sonnabend Gallery in New York, then as an editorial secretary and freelancer for the art magazine Cimaise, Art actuel. Since then, she has regularly contributed to the magazine DADA and has written more than fifty works (hardback books, albums, novels, documentaries, activity books) and created several collections for children and adults, translated into several languages. Passionate about the arts and heritage, she also creates educational booklets for museums. Her practice of drawing and painting also leads her to lead visual arts workshops and to create artist's books.