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  • 日本设计工作室NENDO的创作秘密
  • Nendo: a big book of small ideas
  • 作者:Oki Sato以及Genevieve Gallot
  • 出版社代理人:Editions de la Martiniere(法国)
  • 出版时间:2024年1月
  • 页数:96页(260 x 370mm)
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


他将公司命名为“Nendo”,日语中模型粘土的意思。他用漫画般的草图来阐述他的设计理念。他创造了一些世界上最有想象力的家具。在任何时刻,他都有数百个项目正在进行中,不论是建筑、室内、家具、餐具等等。他说,”没有社么是我不会设计的。” 他就是Oki Sato,日本最多产的设计师之一。

Oki Sato以非凡的概念清晰度呈现他的设计。一开始,他完全的让他的想象力带领他的设计。接着,开始用白纸黑线的画图来记录他的想法—不论是由单个陶瓷漩涡的洗手盆还是一双能卷在一起的筷子。这些2D的图像会被转变成3D的模型,总是用简单干净的轮廓和大部分单色色调的形象呈现。就像传统的日本水墨画一样,只需要几笔即可构建图像,Oki Sato从不使用任何不必要的细节或设计去干扰他的初衷想法。

这本书呈现了Oki Sato的原创草图、全尺寸产品图片以及说明文字,揭示和解开了这位大师的独特创作过程,并分享了他50见无与伦比的作品背后的故事。我们进入Nendo的宇宙,发现Oki Sato如何实用他的设计来扭转我们如何观察周围并与身边的东西互动。他模糊了设计与艺术的界限,高度重视实用细节和环境影响。

Oki Sato is an architect and designer, founder of the Japanese design firm Nendo. He graduated from the Waseda Univerity in Tokyo with a Master of Arts in architecture in 2002 and founded Nendo the same year. His firsts exhibition, “Streeterior”, was held in Tokyo and in Milan in 2013. Over the course of 20 years, Oki Sato and Nendo have been awarded with many prizes and distinctions: Good Design Award, German Design Award, Elle Deco International Design Award and Sato was named “Designer of the Year” by Wallpaper Magazine in 2012. His creations are exposed worldwide: in the NY MoMA, in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, in the Centre Pompidou in Paris, etc. Nendo also regularly collaborates with brands, such as design brands DePadova, Capppellini, Moroso or Puma and Starbucks.

Geneviève Gallot holds a doctorate in modern literature. She is the former director of the Institut national du patrimoine and of the École nationale supérieure des arts décoratifs. She has also worked for the Ministère de la Culture and for UNESCO (among others). She is the author of "75 designers pour un monde durable" ( Editions de la Martinière, 2020).

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