• 论如何学习
  • Escola d’aprenents (Teach Us How to Learn)
  • 作者:Marina Garces
  • 出版社代理人:Galaxia Gutenberg(西班牙)
  • 出版时间:2020年11月
  • 页数:198頁
  • 已售版权:德语、意大利语
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com






“For Marina Garcés, educating has to do with knowing that what you know is full of ignorance: prejudices, secrets, hidden interests... And that what you don’t know is full of knowledge. It is to understand the mismatch between us and the world: one wise ignorance. This is all you will find in this book. You will not find the innovative recipe that will solve your doubts, but the conscious doubt that will help you to follow without anxieties, a music that will accompany you”. _Diari Ara 

An essay that illuminates some of the paradoxes of today’s society by questioning the functioning of education. _Diari de Tarragona

Garcés leaves behind the classic question “how to educate” that pedagogy professionals are constantly asking themselves, and bets for a horizontal and reciprocal education that is, like philosophy, an invitation to think. _eFemenista

Against the dogma of resignation, Catalan philosopher Marina Garcés proposes in her new book an apprenticeship that aims towards collective emancipation. _Diario de la educación

Marina Garcés analyzes with an accute eye the reality that eludes the vast majority. This unaccommodating essayist invites us to rethink life with critical thinking. _ELLE

A book written in times of a pandemic and born at the crossroads between knowledge and experience. _Nuevo Periodico

A necessary reflection on education, on learning and its meaning, especially in these times marked by uncertainty and the blurring of all horizons. _The Objective

To break the vicious inertia where students are mute, as ecstatic receptacles in which to deposit an amalgam of knowledge (apparently) isolated. To claim instead a dialectic without privileges or servitude in which all in the classroom establish symbiotic relationships that allow them to learn together. This is the proposal developed by philosopher and teacher Marina Garcés in her latest essay. _Contexto


Marina Garces出身于1973年,是一位哲学家以及大学教授。她之前写过许多本书:Un mundo común (Bellaterra, 2012), Filosofía inacabada (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2015), Fuera de clase (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2016) and Nueva ilustración radical (Anagrama, 2017, Premio Ciutat de Barcelona de Ensayo2017) and Escuela de aprendices (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2020)。