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  • 人人都能创新
  • Innovation is Everybody‘s Business: How to Ignite, Scale, and Sustain Innovation for Competitive Edge
  • 作者:Tamara Ghandour
  • 出版社代理人:Nicholas Brealey(英国)
  • 出版时间:2020年5月
  • 页数:304页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
Tamara Ghandour是作家、播客、演讲人和创新培训公司LaunchStreet的创始人,她过去曾认为创新只属于少数人,只属于特定的领域与产业,只属于特定职务。但是,她在25年来的工作经验和研究中发现,每个人都有创新的能力。每个人都有独特的创新风格,而且可以对其进行评估和引导,然后将惯性转化为创新。
《人人都能创新》一书提供了她令人惊艳的创新评估测验(Innovation Quotient Edge Assessment)的数据,为每天都吃力地“证明自我价值的人”提供解决方法。已经意识到创新才能提高自我价值的人来说,这本书更能引起共鸣。“这本书将引起那些认识到创新是他们不可或缺的人的共鸣。对于处于压力之下的领导者来说,建立创新文化也是不知道如何做的。当组织面临创新的压力时,实现创新的责任就落在了中高层领导者身上。他们被告知该怎么做,但不知道如何去做。本书将为他们提供建立一支创新团队的工具,这些创新团队每天都会以各种方式产生影响。对于想要打造创新文化但却不知从何着手,因而感到压力的领导者,这本书绝对是必备秘笈。当组织面临创新的压力时,实现创新的责任会落在中高层领导者身上。 上级只告诉他们要成果,却没有说他们该如何才能达到成果。本书将为他们提供工具建立一支创新团队,其中的团队成员将在之后的每一天都能做出改变,不论大小事。
"The world is full of innovators - you just have to recognize and understand how to work with the best. Tamara's book will help you unlock the potential that innovation presents."Alex Goryachev, Managing Director, Cisco Innovation Centers

"if you want to unleash thinking, creativity, innovation from every member of your team, read and do what's in this book." 

David Marquet, Captain of nuclear submarine, USS Santa Fe, Author of Best-Selling Book Turn The Ship Around

"Tamara lays out exactly how to tap the competitive advantage hiding within all of us - our inner innovator and the ability to spark and foster a culture of innovation." 
Heather Kluter, Consumer Insights and Brand Strategy Champion

"Tamara does an awesome job of giving tangible tools for anyone looking to become more innovative. She removes the intimidating stigma that can come with the thought of being innovative and shows how everyone plays a role in innovation. By sharing real world stories from a variety of companies, she shows how innovation can take place within any company of any size."Anthony Lambatos, President Footers Catering

In the 21st century, the status quo is not your friend. Tamara serves as a brilliant tour guide into the world of innovation - the world where we all now live, and breathe, and do our best work."Steve Woodruff, King of Clarity

"Lessons from neuroscience show that each individual's specific use and set-up of architecture and chemistry is the most individualistic "fingerprints" we will ever own. Tamara eloquently deftly shows each of us how to access our own brand of innovation and how to unleash it on a world sorely in need of this wisdom."―Scott G. Halford, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of “Activate Your Brain

"Finally an innovation book that provides clear direction, examples, and exercises that can be put into action immediately. Thanks for making innovation accessible, Tamara!"―Wendy Winter, VP Business Leader, The Integer Group
Tamara Ghandour是创新培训公司LaunchStreet的创始人,这间公司帮助全球的团队和组织利用创新的力量竞争并取胜。她也是开创性的Innovation Quotient Edge (IQE) Assessment评估的创建者,这是唯一能够衡量人们的自然创新优势并提供见解和工具,以落实更多创新思想并建立高绩效团队的工具。她27岁时,就成为一家领头全球广告代理公司里,有史以来最年轻的领导者。许多知名品牌,像是Cheerios,Clorox和Proctor&Gamble等都从她这套创新法受益良多。当迪士尼、General Mills、RICOH、希尔顿和Red Robin等公司想要提高创新商机时,他们就找Tamara。包括知名新生代心理学家、畅销书作家Angela Duckworth在内等其他知名人士都有上过她的商业创新播客Inside LaunchStreet,她的播客在不到一年的时间内,下载数近5万次。她管理好几间资产数百万美元的公司,她自己也创立过几家公司,她学习自己的成功,最重要的是,她也从自己的失败中汲取教训。