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  • 心痛手册
  • A Manual for Heartache
  • 作者:Cathy Rentzenbrink
  • 出版社代理人:Pan Macmillan(英国)
  • 出版时间:2017年六月
  • 页数:244页
  • 已售版权:西班牙
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagecny.com
作者的第一本畅销书-《给你最后的爱》The Last Act of Love(http://www.peonyrights.com/jiantishuji/renwuchuanji/2017/0309/2332.html
当作者Cathy Rentzenbrink还是一位少女时,她原本幸福快乐的家让一场突如其来的悲剧打碎了。她在这本《心痛手册》描述自己如何学会与哀痛共存,并再次找到世上的喜悦。她探索了,如何在生命最困难最难受的时候,从痛苦深渊里爬出来,并让自己再次充满希望。
A Manual for Heartache explores how to cope with life at its most difficult and overwhelming and provides reassurance that suffering may change us forever but we can emerge filled with hope (Express)

I read A Manual for Heartache in a single sitting. Cathy’s not a therapist or a doctor and this book is all the better for it. It’s human and kind and rooted in the everyday, in the language that we all recognise and the horrors that we all experience when we feel out of control or so lost we can hardly speak. I loved it. I’ve learned from it. Every house needs one: like a torch and a spare fuse it can help you find your way home. (Kit de Waal, author of My Name is Leon)

A Manual for Heartache is a book that could change the life of someone whose hands it finds its way into at the right moment. I wish I could go back and give it to my younger self at various points in my own life. A copy should be issued to every teenager in school . . . It delivers that most important of messages: You are not alone. (Alice Adams, author of Invincible Summer)

Generous, honest and uplifting. People need this book (Nina Stibbe)

A Manual for Heartache is wise and insightful. It is one of the most touching and honest books I've read and I expect it will light the end of the tunnel for many. It is very brave and very true. (Suzanne O'Sullivan, author of It's All In Your Head)
Cathy Rentzenbrink在Cornwall,在Yorkshire长大,现在住在伦敦,是一位作家和记者。她的回忆录The Last Act of Love(《暂译:给你最后的爱》)被《星期日泰晤士报》评选为畅销书,入选英国卫康书奖(Wellcome Book Prize)。