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  • 人生七十才开始!
  • Wie Brause Pulver auf der Zunge (Like Sherbet on the Tongue: Being Happy is Beyond Aging
  • 作者:Greta Silver
  • 出版社代理人:Scorpio(德国)
  • 出版时间:2018年
  • 页数:208页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
70岁的Greta Silver认为她活到现在才开始体验到人生的巅峰 。她的生活越来越刺激,她一天比一天充满创意。她认为年轻的时候都在拼事业、照顾家人,现在,她是在为自己而活!她还有好多事情想要做,现在终于可以一一实现梦想!
“How beautifu, cool and happy one can look at 70,”—Bild der Frau
“One immediately likes Greta Silver—she’s just so upbead!”—Frankfurter Rundschau
“It takes no little courage to put yourself centre-stage, especially when you’re 70 years old. Greta Silver has that courage. What’s more, she’s completely at peace with herself and this shines through.”—SHZ
“She models, blogs, writes and is a silver surfer par excellence: on YouTube and in the new book, 70-year-old Greta Silver gives tips on how to deal with aging.”—NDR, Tietjen & Bommes
Greta Silver是一位模特儿以及YouTube网红。她是一位创业人以及三个孩子的妈妈。
'I am seventy, right in my prime, and that’s exactly how I feel. I wouldn’t want to be a day younger; in fact my life’s constantly becoming lighter, more exciting and creative. This age makes me so happy. It’s so colourful. I’d never have dreamt it would be like this when I was younger. It’s not that I had negative preconceptions about aging; the self-fulfilling prophecy that life’s beauty and joy are all over in old age was never true for me. It’s quite the opposite! Every morning when I wake up, the joy of the new day flows through me. What wonderful things will this day bring? 
I don’t want to be young again. Nothing would get me back into the hamster wheel of my earlier years. When I was seventeen, I believed life’s excitement would be all over by the time I hit thirty-five. When I reached thirty-five, the fifty-year-olds seemed ancient to me and then at fifty, the sixty-five-year-olds, and so it goes, which proves: Age is totally subjective – everyone can decide how “old” or “young” they feel. Age is a question of perspective!'