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  • 大不了重新写过!
  • Rewrite Man: The Life and Career of Screenwriter Warren Skaaren
  • 作者:Alison Macor
  • 出版社代理人:University of Texas Press (美国)
  • 出版时间:2017年五月
  • 页数:264页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
影评人叶郎写到,多亏了编剧Warren Skaaren,奇幻喜剧经典《阴间大法师》
Alison Macor在《大不了重新写过!》一书中讲述一位顶尖编剧在好莱坞所遇到的合作以及所面临到的挑战和冲突,走到十字路口时,他又做了什么选择。Warren Skaaren和许多好莱坞最有影响力最大咖的明星、制片与导演合作,他为汤姆克鲁斯在《捍卫战士》里加上爱情的元素,陪麦可基顿练习《阴间大法师》的台词,精琢杰克尼克逊在《蝙蝠侠》里说的那句改编自尼采名言的台词。虽然他几乎没有离开过奥斯丁,不管工作或生活都在那里,但是1990年,他过世时,已是好莱坞收入最高的编剧。
"Alison Macor's Rewrite Man, out next month from Universityof Texas Press, deserves a spotlight for . . . giving a careful,thoughtful account of the career of somebody essential to the creation of films many watch and enjoy, but not accorded the same adulation by fansor journalists as brand-name celebrities." (Staff Pick, Everett Jones, Publishers Weekly 2017-04-21)

"The bulk of the book details his role in the creation of numerous successful films, including Batman, Beetlejuice, and Top Gun, and his battles to get his contributions to the filmed scripts formally recognized. Skaaren’s skill and efficiency—he rewrote Top Gun in just 10 days—became legendary, and Macor explains how the changes he made to characterizations improved them." (Publishers Weekly 2017-02-01)

"Alison Macor’s Rewrite Man, chronicling the late Warren Skaaren’s adventures in life and screenwriting, accomplishes the highest goal of biography—it makes you wish you knew the man." (John Sayles, Academy Award–nominated writer-director and script doctor)

"Rewrite Man is an insightful behind-the-scenes look at a behind-the-scenes man. Alison Macor presents us with a character study of a driven and conflicted human being, as well as a sharp analysis of a Hollywood system that turned screenwriters like Warren Skaaren into both indispensable insiders and chronically frustrated outliers." (Stephen Harrigan, best-selling author of The Gates of the Alamo and screenwriter)
Alison Macor写了一本Chainsaws, Slackers, and Spy Kids: Thirty Years of Filmmaking in Austin, Texas。这本书赢得了Southwest Popular/American Culture Association的Peter C. Rollins年度好书奖。她是一位自由作家,有电影史博士学位,在德州大学奥斯丁分校和德州州立大学教电影课。
最后来看看Top Gun时期,鲜嫩多汁(?)的阿汤哥~