• 石头汤:打不破的文化藩篱
  • The Stone Soup Experiment: Why Cultural Boundaries Persist
  • 作者:Deborah Downing Wilson
  • 出版社代理人:University of Chicago Press(美国); The British Library(英国)
  • 出版时间:2015年10月
  • 页数:176页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
作者 Deborah Downing Wilson 花十周的时间,将来自40所大学的学生分成两组:无忧无虑的嬉皮以及市场驱动的交易者。透过这些学生的双眼,我们能了解到最根本的人类社会:群体认同是如何组成的?当有另一个不同的群体出现时,又会发生什么事?
“Alas, we cannot re-create the original state of nature as envisioned by Rousseau or Hobbes. But in this fascinating and surprising book, Downing Wilson provides vital clues about the evolution of different human cultures.”
(Howard Gardner, author of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness Reframed)
The Stone Soup Experiment is a highly engaging, theoretically sound, and original book that reads as swiftly and seamlessly as a novel. This narrative quality does not subtract from its scholarly merit, however. It weaves cultural theory and scholarly literature to offer new insights about cultural formation in small groups and, importantly, new insights about teaching about culture, which opens its audience up to anyone who teaches about cultural diversity, multiculturalism, cultural communication, or any related subjects.”
(Kysa Nygreen, author of These Kids)
“This is the most important controlled study of how groups construct themselves through confrontation since Sherif and Sherif wrote about the Robbers Cave experiment a half century ago. It is beautifully documented and written, a fast-paced ethnographic account with lessons for everyone from cognitive scientists to international relations scholars.”
(James Wertsch, author of Voices of Collective Remembering)
Deborah Downing Wilson是美国内华达州立大学通讯所的讲师。