• 黑盒子:如何将失败转换成成功
  • Black Box: How to Turn Failure into Success
  • 作者:Matthew Syed
  • 出版社代理人:John Murray Press(英国)
  • 出版时间:2015年9月
  • 页数:352页
  • 已售版权:繁体中文、巴西、德国、荷兰
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com

*   本书是英国John Murray Press(阿歇特集团)的2014年法兰克福书展大书!

*   BOUNCE作者Matthew Syed令人期待的新书!

*   本书探讨的是失败的力量,作者透过有趣的真实故事以及反直觉性的辩论描述他的观念,适合对商管、心理学以及自我发展感兴趣的读者




作者在书中提到的例子之一就是航空业。航空业有非常惊人的安全记录,不但是因为业界里有非常非常聪明的人在里面工作,更是因为他们用非常谨慎的态度看待失败。 科学改变了世界因为它的程序里的最核心就是失败。但是这些都是例外。我们生命中的大部分时间,失败都不会被受到注意。我们的浅意识会埋掉我们的失败,让我们对自己的弱点产生盲点。



*   足球巨星贝克汉的童年

*   曼切斯特的自行车赛车场,当初的一场大灾难从此改变了英国自行车赛车队帮助他们成为世界冠军

*   一位老师开始应用“失败周”之后,学生们的成绩大大成长

*   在伦敦的一家小公司有一群宅男利用错误侦查的力量来改变政治

*   大企业如何试图掩盖他们的错误以及失败,而这如何导致法律的不正义





Matthew Syed拥有一位巴基斯坦籍的父亲以及一位威尔士籍的母亲。他出生于英国,今年45岁。他1995年毕业于牛津大学,主修哲学、政治以及经济学(他们最知名的PPE学位)。他的第一本书BOUNCE(远流出版社)被形容为“one of the most intelligent and thought-provoking books about sport ever written。” 他目前是英国《时报》的专栏作家。


在他成为作家之前, Matthew曾是英国的冠军乒乓球选手,十来来一直是英国的第一名,并代表英国队出席过两次奥运赛。 除了写作之外,他也时常担任BBC以及Eurosport 的讲评人,时常上电视、电台节目。


Matthew被选为英国最佳商业以及教育演讲人。他在这12个月为以下的机构演讲:Goldman Sachs, Arsenal FC, Vodafone, Rolls Royce, BO, McKinsey, Alliance Berstein, Oxford Unviersity, Saracens, McLaren, Deutsche Bank, Morrisons, T-Mobile, Genentech, Orange, the Premier League, United Bank of Switzerland, the ECB, Westminster School, Freshfields, 以及 Procter and Gamble.





'A fascinating subject and Syed is a dazzling writer.' Owen Slot, The Times


‘The most important book I’ve read over the past six months’ Peter Orszag, distinguished economist and former member of Obama’s cabinet, in the New York Times


'I love this book. A must-read if you have ever wondered what sets the super-achievers and the rest of us apart – in any field, not just in sport. I only wish I had read it when I was fifteen.' Gabby Logan, BBC presenter and former international gymnast



‘Sport is often used as an analogy for business, education, and personal relationships. In this insightful and entertaining book, Matthew Syed takes us a step deeper into the world of sports, showing us how much we can learn about our own behaviour.’

—Dan Ariely, New York Times bestselling author of Predictably Irrational


 ‘A cutting edge dissection—and ultimate destruction—of the myth of innate talent in the pursuit of excellence. Syed synthesizes his evidence with the precision of an academic, writes with the fluidity of a journalist, and persuades with the drive of a sportsman. Read this book.’

—Mark Thomas, Professor of Evolutionary Genetics, University College London


 ‘Compelling and, at times, exhilarating—Bounce explains high achievement in sport, business, and beyond.’

—Michael Sherwood, Chief Executive, Goldman Sachs International


‘Syed, sportswriter and columnist for the London Times, takes a hard look at performance psychology, heavily influenced by his own ego-damaging but fruitful epiphany. . . Cogent discussions of the neuroscience of competition, including the placebo effect of irrational optimism, self-doubt, and superstitions, all lend credence to a compelling narrative; readers who gobbled up Freakonomics and Predictably Irrational will flock to this one.’

—Publishers Weekly


 ‘Sport is often used as an analogy for business, education, and personal relationships. In this insightful and entertaining book, Matthew Syed takes us a step deeper into the world of sports, showing us how much we can learn about our own behaviour.’

—Dan Ariely, New York Times bestselling author of Predictably Irrational


 ‘A cutting edge dissection—and ultimate destruction—of the myth of innate talent in the pursuit of excellence. Syed synthesizes his evidence with the precision of an academic, writes with the fluidity of a journalist, and persuades with the drive of a sportsman. Read this book.’

—Mark Thomas, Professor of Evolutionary Genetics, University College London


‘Compelling and, at times, exhilarating—Bounce explains high achievement in sport, business, and beyond.’

—Michael Sherwood, Chief Executive, Goldman Sachs International


‘Syed, sportswriter and columnist for the London Times, takes a hard look at performance psychology, heavily influenced by his own ego-damaging but fruitful epiphany. . . Cogent discussions of the neuroscience of competition, including the placebo effect of irrational optimism, self-doubt, and superstitions, all lend credence to a compelling narrative; readers who gobbled up Freakonomics and Predictably Irrational will flock to this one.’

—Publishers Weekly