• 黑猩猩有退休梦吗:心理学、进化论与商业的交会
  • Do Chimpanzees Dream of Retirement: An Encounter Between Psychology, Evolution and Business
  • 作者:Jacob Burak
  • 出版社代理人:Asia Publishers(以色列)
  • 出版时间:2007年(初版)
  • 页数:279页
  • 已售版权:巴西、义大利、日本、韩国、荷兰
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
谁比较有机会成为成功的企业家?女性比男性还有投资眼光吗?信任别人有价值吗? 为何长子不喜欢承受风险?百万富翁本来就吝啬吗?还是成为百万富翁后才变吝啬的?女性裙子的长度和股市表现间的关联性为何?为什么我们为了可以自由选择没日没夜的工作,却在碰到多样选择时感到难为?为何我们吸收一切变有钱,但却无法内省钱买不到幸福这个事实,还有只注重物质其实才是阻碍幸福的原因?《黑猩猩有退休梦吗》里有很多类似的问题,作者为这些问题提出了独特、发人深省的答案。
Jacob Burak 用流畅简明的文字解释为什么要我们在公事与日常生活上,做出合理的决定会这么困难。这本书解释了巧合、运气与天赋的概念,以及为何个人会走向群体与我们不断演化的命运。
Burak 用奇闻轶事、研究与幽默证实我们能否得到幸福有百分之五十是基因决定的,百分之十被我们的环境影响,最后的百分之四十完全取决于我们自己及我们所做的选择。我们所赚的钱,只要高于一个水平,就几乎和幸福无关。请试着回想过去一周内,你最幸福的时刻。想到了吗?跟好友聚餐?超棒的性爱?一本精采的书、一部电影还是一场表演?承认吧,这些事和钱变少或是高涨的油价并没有关连。
Burak 提出十个任何人都适用,通往幸福的指引。这个外行人对演化心理学的研究让读者了解自己在这个大世界里的定位,同时解释了人类大脑如何在数千年前就决定了许多的人类行为:碰到公事就变谨慎、看到昆虫就讨厌、盘子里不能留下任何食物,甚至是我们在社交与性方面的偏好。
"Burak, who certainly knows how to spin a good yarn," has written, "with clarity and painstaking accuracy" a "lucid book, packed with interesting ideas and keen insights [that] needs to be read." — Amalia Rosenblum, Haaretz Books
"From the outside, [Do Chimpanzees Dream of Retirement] looks like just another 'how I made my fortune' book written by the ultra-rich. Inside, though, one discovers that it does offer something different." —Shiri Lev-Ari, Haaretz
"The book is constructed as a collection of articles with many entertaining examples and interesting lessons to be learned." —Tola'at Sfarim
"…a riveting collection of research from around the world combined with personal insights concerning the psychology of success. Burak, who has been described by [publisher Dov] Alfon as "someone with something to say who happens to have succeeded in business, as opposed to someone who succeeded in business and that's all he has to say," claims – contrary to the conventional wisdom of his peers – that while success is indeed a sign of talent and hard word, phenomenal success is nothing but a matter of circumstance. Sheer luck…Unlike books by [Lee] Iacocca, [Jack] Walsh, Donald Trump and others like them, the foundation on which Burak's book rests is that businesspeople are not necessarily smarter. His message, which contains a measure of humility (thought not necessarily modesty) is something like, 'I made a lot of money, but I don't have a lot to say about that.' Once this matter has been made clear, it is easier to relate to the arguments Burak sprinkles through the book in favor of evolutionary psychology." —Rika Lichtman, Globes
"Burak uses a flood of statistics and studies for the purpose of trying to understand the magic of the business world through the prism of psychology and sociology, a relatively new branch of science that tries to elucidate human behaviour as a result of evolutionary influences." —Eitan Elhadaz, Scoop
"A very challenging and interesting book, in a nutshell, but no less thorough, indeed a picture of the role and functioning of the consciousness of man, and how it can work the way we act and react. It is a fascinating exploration by the private life of man and the search for the reasons why people respond to certain stimuli. The difference between the animal and human, the passionate, impulsive, and the genius of man, namely the rational, thoughtful and planned. In a very lively way, a way which many examples and cases as basis for the theory to complement, we get a clear view of all these phenomena and the estimation of how people act. And this is on top of the individual to the greater society, including the role in a global context and the thinking of humans to the tooth is made, and yet also with many estimates and expectations are expressed in an airy, yet clear manner. A particularly confrontational book, who believes that an innocent man just way and must cope with his world. A must for those who want to assess the impact of man on his environment and the world. " —Patrick Vandendaele, Dutch review
Jacob Burak 从一名商人变成作家。他出版了四本书(这是他的处女作)。他是以色列第一家也是最大间的风险投资公司 Evergreen 的创办人之一。他在Technion念工业工程是哈佛管理学院管理发展的研究生。1984年时,他为总理Shimon Peres 的过渡团队服务,负责工业与贸易议题。他于2006年退休,并开始投入社会运动与写作。直到2008年,他担任以色列商业社会责任协会(BSR)的主席。他活跃于Round-up IsraelMidot这两个非营利慈善组织,而且常在国际商业与社会运动研讨会上演说。Burak从2003年开始成为以色列知名财务杂志《The Marker》的专栏作家。