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  • 《互联网骗局与谎言史》
  • A History of Fake Things on the Internet
  • 作者:Walter Scheirer
  • 出版社代理人:Stanford University Press (美国)
  • 出版时间:2023年12月
  • 页数:264页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:yayu@peonyliteraryagency.com

A Next Big Idea Club "Must Read" for December 2023


身为计算机科学家的作者,深入探索假新闻丶阴谋论丶超自然现像报告,以及其他偏离现实的内容的起源,这些内容已成为主流文化的一部分,从十九世纪暗房内的图像操纵到 ChatGPT 这样大型语言模型的文风。

本书还调查了线上假货的起源,从早期通过电子公告牌系统 (BBS)丶Usenet 和一种名为电子邮件的新消息传递技术传播全球的骗局,到如今超真实的 AI 生成深度伪造。作者作为机器学习和识别领域的专家,分析了使数字欺骗技术发展成为可能的技术进步,并分享了早期网路时代成为骇客传说基石的恶作剧幕後细节。


Walter J. Scheirer

是巴黎圣母院大学计算机科学与工程系 Dennis O. Doughty 学院副教授。



"There is something bold, perhaps reckless, in preaching serenity from the volcano's edge. But, as Scheirer points out, the doctored-evidence problem isn't new. Our oldest forms of recording―storytelling, writing, and painting―are laughably easy to hack. We've had to find ways to trust them nonetheless."

―Daniel Immerwahr, The New Yorker

"The Internet is awash in disinformation and conspiracy theories, with AI-generated 'deepfakes' looming on the horizon. A History of Fake Things on the Internet explains how fakes of all kinds have been a central part of Internet history and culture from the beginning. It is essential reading for understanding how we got here and where we are headed."

―Sean Lawson, coauthor of Social Engineering: How Crowdmasters, Phreaks, Hackers, and Trolls Created a New Form of Manipulative Communication

"In this captivating book, Walter J. Scheirer artfully combines the skills of a cultural critic, historian, and computer scientist to explore the many facets of technological duplicity. Going beyond cliches, the book delves into an array of historical and contemporary cases involving computer hackers, digital artists, media forensics specialists, and AI researchers. By doing so, he unveils how exactly emergent media becomes the basis for myths, falsehoods, and trickery, and with what consequences."

―Gabriella Coleman, author of Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy: The Many Faces of Anonymous

"By historicizing fakeness online, Walter J. Scheirer helps readers understand the very real consequences, contexts, and stakes of digital participation. A fascinating study of creativity in all its forms―one that resists binary proclamations about what is good and creative and what is bad and destructive. Instead, the book says yes in many directions."

―Whitney Phillips, coauthor of You Are Here: A Field Guide for Navigating Polarized Speech, Conspiracy Theories, and Our Polluted Media Landscape

"Drawing on a framework developed by the pioneering anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss in the 1960s, Scheirer argues that humanity always occupies 'two parallel timelines: the physical world (i.e., the historical timeline) and the myth cycle (i.e., a fictional timeline).' Both are indispensable: We are confined to reality, but we cannot confront facts (or even make sense of them) without the salve of fiction."

―Becca Rothfeld, Washington Post