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  • 贪婪游戏:从主街到华尔街的过量、狂妄自大、欺诈以及盗窃
  • Games of Greed: Excess, Hubris, Fraud, and Theft on Main Street and Wall Street
  • 作者:Torsten Dennin
  • 出版社代理人:River Grove Books(美国)
  • 出版时间:2023年1月
  • 页数:308页
  • 已售版权:德语
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com




在这本富有洞察力的书中,作者Torsten Dennin)通过许多像伊卡洛斯一样飞得太高而坠落并导致灾难性后果的人的例子,展示了贪婪的陷阱。在当今金融紧张加剧和地球资源减少的时代,他对贪婪的分析既相关又及时。


TORSTEN DENNIN has been a professional investment expert for more than 20 years. He is a member of the management board and the Chief Investment Officer (CIO) of Asset Management Switzerland AG. Torsten was appointed Professor of Economics in 2018 and teaches at universities in Switzerland and Germany. After the international bestseller "From Tulips to Bitcoins", "Games of Greed" is his fourth book. Torsten lives with his wife and daughter in Switzerland.


"Greed and fear are probably the most important drivers of the stock market.

Torsten Dennin gives an exciting overview of how the greed of financial

market players has expressed itself in various investment scandals — and

how it could have come so far. His book is particularly worth reading for

private investors so that they do not fall victim to such practices."—Michael Ferber, Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ)

"A dive into the abyss of human greed."—Florian Hofer, Zuger Presse

"Written like a real-life thriller!"—Frank Meyer, n-tv

"The long-awaited and logical sequel of Torsten Dennin's From Tulips to Bitcoins. A fascinating guide to the world of greed."—Vsevolod Bernstein, Journalist
