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  • 贷款主义
  • Creditocracy and the Case for Debt Refusal
  • 作者:Andrew Ross
  • 出版社代理人:OR Books(美国)
  • 出版时间:2014年2月
  • 页数:220页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

"Andrew Ross is the very model for a scholar-activist, and, Creditocracy, his latest book, is as compelling as it is important. Let's hope this makes a difference in the world. It really should." 
                                                          —David Graeber, author of Debt: The First 5,000 Years
"In this lucid and accessible book, Andrew Ross argues that we are increasingly oppressed by the rule of credit and that ever more people must go into debt just to access life’s necessities. But Ross not only names the problem; more importantly, he points toward solutions. Read this book and join a debt resistors movement."
—Michael Hardt, co-author of Empire
"Andrew Ross's Creditocracy is the middle finger to our economy's debt vultures: he lays out a masterful case that we must tell the creditor class to stick it where the repo man don't shine. Ross is particularly good at picking apart that new form of indentured servitude, the student loan.Creditocracy calls for resistance to our nationwide virtual debtors prison, and it's about time."                                
—Greg Palast, reporter for BBC's Newsnight and author of Vultures' Picnic
"I use Mastercard to pay Visa." —bumper sticker
贷款主义(名词):1. 债权人持有利益的治理或者权力持有
                                    2. 一个需要透过债务才能得到重要需求资金的社会
现代社会似乎每个人——房产主、学生、没有健保的人,以及持有信用卡的人——都有付不完的债务。美国总共77%的家庭有严重的债务,每七个人之间会有一个被追债。巨大的银行越来越巨大,在2008年金融风暴后竟然更赚钱,而政府也无法管制它们。在这本书中,作者Andrew Ross探讨了他认为我们现在存在的贷款主义社会——金融界控制了政府,人民需要不断的贷款才能够支付他们最基本的需求。这种现象对任何社会的后果是非常严重的,而历史告诉我们每当债权人成为和华尔街一样有权的时候,大部分的人类会被债务束缚。有一些发展中的国家已经成功拒绝这种债务,而作者认为时间到了,发展国家也可以利用一样的道德以及法律争论去缓解这个问题。
关于作者: Andrew Ross是美国纽约大学的社会以及文化分析系的教授,同时也是一位社会活动家。他曾为The NationThe Village Voice、纽约时报以及Artforum撰写文章。他写过许多本书,包括最近的Bird on Fire: Lessons from the World’s Least Sustainable City以及Nice Work if You Can Get It: Life and Labor in Precarious Times