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  • 海湾:踩在血汗工人上的高度文化
  • The Gulf:High Culture/Hard Labor
  • 作者:多人,由Andrew Ross编辑
  • 出版社代理人:OR Books(美国)
  • 出版时间:2015年10月
  • 页数:300页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
*本书由海湾劳动联盟(Gulf Labor Coalition 或 Gulf Labor)创办人Andrew Ross编辑而成
*本书序由人权观察组织的Sarah Leah Whitson撰写
“The groups’ action has been carefully organized、effectively executed and persistent、as any protest that’s going to work must be.” —Holland Cotterart criticThe New York Times
“I have nothing to do with the workers... I have no power to do anything about it... It’s not my duty as an architect.” —Zaha Hadid
“Guests will be feasting royally at $75,000 tax-deductible tables. On the other side of the world、Guggenheim Abu Dhabi’s migrant workers are being exploited while having meager rations on their plates and very little time to prepare their meals after a punishing 12 hour workday.” —From a statement handed out at Eat Up! Speak Up!a protest outside the Guggenheim New York’s annual fundraising dinner
阿布达比海岸边的萨迪亚特岛上,包括罗浮宫、古根汉博物馆、大英博物馆与纽约大学在内的指标性文化机构都聘请了Frank Gehry、Jean Nouvel、Zaha Hadid与Norman Foster等多名建筑之星大规模的在此大兴土木。阿拉伯联合大公国要用这种方式让此地成为富有旅客及居民的富裕之地,并以此为名。
本书文字部分由以下人员提供: Haig Aivazian、Mounira Al Solh、Ayreen Anastas、Kadambari Baxi、Doris Bittar、Jordan Carver、Paula Chakravartty、Nitasha Dhillon、Rene Gabri、Mariam Ghani、the Global Ultra Luxury Faction (G.U.L.F.)、Hans Haacke、Guy Mannes-Abbott、Naeem Mohaiemen、Walid Raad、Andrew Ross、Gregory Sholette and Mabel Wilson.
本书图片、艺术的部分由以下人员提供:Hend Al Mansour、Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri、Todd Ayoung and Jelena Stojanovic、Mieke Bal and Michelle Williams Gamaker、Zanny Begg and Oliver Ressler、Emily Verla Bovino、CAMP、Collective of Artists、Carole Condé and Karl Beveridge、Sam Durant、Claire Fontaine、Andrea Fraser、Mariam Ghani、Paul Graham、G.U.L.F.、Gulf Labor West、Hans Haacke、Rawi Hage、Pablo Helguera、Thomas Hirschhorn、Aaron Hughes and Sarah Farahat、The Illuminator、John Jurayj、Janet Koenig、Silvia Kolbowski、Lynn Love and Ann Sappenfield、Guy Mannes-Abbott、Mazatl、Pat McElnea、Jasa Mrevlje、Marina Naprushkina、Jenny Polak、Walid Raad、Georges Rabbath、Jayce Salloum、Rasha Salti、Dread Scott、Gregory Sholette and Matthew Greco、Andreas Siekmann and Alice Creischer、Nida Sinnokrot、Situ Studio、Suha Traboulsi and Jaret Vadera.