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  • 患炮弹休克症:在以色列攻击加沙的地面上
  • Shell-Shocked: On the Ground Under Israel’s Gaza Assault
  • 作者:Mohammed Omer
  • 出版社代理人:OR BOOKS(美国)
  • 出版时间:2015年6月
  • 页数:320页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
Operation Protective Edge在2014年七月发动,是以色列在六年内第三次严重攻击加沙地带。这次,也是死亡人数最多的一次攻击。七周后,加沙的死亡人数高达2200人,超过一万人受伤。
在这本书中,记者Mohammed Omer,一位加沙的居民,回述了当时跟他妻子以及三岁儿子的恐怖经历。他第一手叙述当时在地面上所发生的一切。他在书中记录的影像令人难以想像,简直像文学版的戈雅名画“Disasters of War”:儿童的尸体被塞进冰箱(但是没有用,因为已经断电了);一个家庭在接到以色列军队的电话通知他们大楼即将在三分钟后被F-16导弹炸毁立刻逃离公寓;以色列军队因为被命令只要看到任何呼吸的东西就射,甚至用机关枪射死路上炉子;以色列军队乱射坟墓,这样家属连亲人被葬在哪里都无法分辨;港湾里的船一艘一艘被火烧。
Mohammed Omer是一位得奖,来自巴勒斯坦的记者。他的作品出现在The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs、Al Jazeera、The Nation以及其他知名报刊。
“Mohammed Omer could easily have escaped the horror of Israel’s impending assault on the trapped and helpless people of Gaza. Instead, he chose to stay, to record, in searing and vivid detail, the savagery of Israel’s latest escapade of 'mowing the lawn' and the steadfastness of the victims of a hideous tragedy. Few can match his courage and integrity, but all of us who live in countries providing the arms and diplomatic support that made Israel’s actions possible should ponder his words and ask ourselves what has been done in our name and what we should do about it.” —Noam Chomsky
“Read Shell-Shocked. It's author says, ‘I'm a journalist and I owe it to my people and the Israeli people to get to the truth.’ Thank you, Mohammed, the truth is like water, a basic necessity – without it we will not survive.” —Roger Waters
“Written with painful immediacy, these are more than dispatches from a war zone: They convey the human reality of people who manage to survive and endure in conditions that have grown grimmer and more inhumane over the years.” —Rashid Khalidi
“With a terrible and necessary exactitude, Mohammed Omer's war chronicle lets the world know the devastating losses borne by the Gazan people bombarded by Israeli forces in 2014.” —Judith Butler
“The truth about Israel's crimes in Gaza can never be forgotten, never successfully lied about and covered-up, because Mohammed Omer was there. This great reporter and his family were under fire day after day. When I phoned him, I could hear the explosions outside his front door. Yet, day after day he produced eyewitness dispatches of such clarity and brilliance that, almost single-handed, he reclaimed the honour of real journalism.” —John Pilger
"From the very heart of Gaza, a witness to war: history will record Mohammed Omer’s searing testimony about what was done to his homeland by Israel's 'Operation Protective Edge' … This is journalism of the highest order." —Jon Snow, Channel 4 News
“If you only have time to read one book on Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza, let it be this one. Mohammed Omer’s on-the-ground reporting is stunning and unforgettable, giving access to a daily reality few can imagine let alone endure. Omer describes the landscape of Palestinian life and death in this tiny strip of land during this horrific period. Yet, his accounts are not only about the immense suffering of Gaza’s people but about their remarkable resilience and dignity, which cannot be destroyed. An act of conscience and documentation, Omer's book will remain with the reader long after it is read.” —Sara Roy