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  • 人造的智慧:我们的拯救者还是破坏者
  • In Our Own Image: Will Artificial Intelligence Save us or Destroy Us?
  • 作者:George Zarkadakis
  • 出版社代理人:Rider Books(英国)
  • 出版时间:2015年3月
  • 页数:384页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com
Fascinating [and] rich...interweaves sci-fi visions with explorations of the philosophy, technology and deep history of artificial super-intelligence - Financial Times
Zarkadakis is an exciting and original thinker in the field of Artificial Intelligence and has written a book that is timely and important. - Jim Al-Khalili PhD OBE, author of Paradox
A mindful and historical look at the hope, hype and reality of artificial consciousness - Stuart Hameroff, co-author of Consciousness and the Universe
George Zarkadakis knows AI. Unlike a lot of the people writing and thinking about it, he has real cultural breadth, too. - Ed Lake, Deputy Editor, Aeon Magazine


  • 认知考古学以及神经系统科学:人类为何无法控制自己创造有智慧的物品,让他们看起来、动起来,都像我们?我们头脑里有什么样的认知功能?我们对于意识有什么了解?
  • 文学:Ai的叙述方式如何影响了我们的思想、期待以及理解?比如说,恐惧(《科学怪人》)或者爱(电影Bicentennial Man或者AI)
  • 哲学:实证论vs 理想主义
  • 科技:现代电脑的演化,以及AI如何加快了创新精神
George Zarkadakis是一位科学作家、编剧以及小说家,拥有人工智慧学的博士学位。他曾经在European Commission、British Council、Silicon Graphics以及European Bioinformatics Institute工作过。他在历史频道出现过,并为许多重要科学杂志以及比如《华盛顿邮报》的报刊写过文章。他对于科学通讯的贡献让他被法国政府封为爵士。