为了解决这一问题,著名教育家María Couso进行了详尽的分析,汇集了她丰富的知识和最新、最有力的结论。最终,她写了一本书,提供了有效的策略来解决和纠正与屏幕使用相关的负面行为,即使在技术深深植根于我们家庭和教室的世界里也是如此。
作者还有另一本书,《大脑、童年及游戏》Cerebro, infancia y juego (Brain, Childhood and Play).
María Couso is an educator, a teacher with a Master’s degree in Clinical Psycho-pedagogy and Neuroeducation and one of the foremost disseminators of the importance of board games for childhood development. Since 2019 she has been offering training workshops to teachers and families around Spain through her project “Brain and Play”, promoting the use of board games as a learning tool (play fun learning - PFL) and as a methodology facilitating cognitive processes.