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  • 《儿童哲学家》系列(共三册)
  • El niño filósofo (The Philosopher Child series)
  • 作者:Jordi Nomen
  • 出版社代理人:Arpa(西班牙)
  • 出版时间:2018、2019、2021
  • 页数:每本208页
  • 已售版权:《儿童哲学家》简体中文(版权已到期)、意大利、法国
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


《儿童哲学家》El niño filósofo (The Philosopher Child)

孩子是很伟大的哲学家 – 他们独特的好奇心是无限的,对于我们大人认为是当然的事情充满了问题以及奇迹。《哲学儿童》的基本主张是向家庭和教育工作者提出西方哲学史留给我们的一些重大问题,让孩子们发现自己的哲学潜能,并将其服务于个人和社会发展,使他们成为积极主动、有责任心的公民。本书的第二部分是基于十一个问题的简短的教学和实践探索,这些问题是西方传统十一位哲学家的遗产,它们允许在儿童教育中引入批评、创造力、游戏和对话。

Should we act with our heads or with our hearts? Plato

How can we decide what is right? Aristotle

Should pleasure be the ultimate goal of our actions? Epicurus

Should we be afraid of death? Seneca

How can we achieve joy? Spinoza

Is it important to have good friends? Montaigne

What is the purpose of education? Rousseau

What should we do? Kant

Do we have to be creative to live? Nietzsche

Do we have to have an opinion on everything? Wittgenstein

What is evil? Arendt

Is it more important to have or to be? Fromm

《儿童哲学家:艺术》El niño filósofo y el arte (The Philosopher Child and Art)


《儿童哲学家:价值观》El niño filósofo y la etica (The Philosopher Child and Ethics)


儿童哲学领域的重要参考人物Jordi Nomen认为,这些说法不符合现实,无论是在家庭还是在学校环境中。大多数父母和教育工作者都非常清楚,“美好的生活”仍然需要培养善良和爱,尽管这常常与新的社会和个人成功模式相冲突。陷入这种巨大的矛盾之中,家庭和学校的教育项目与这种社会模式之间不可避免地会发生冲突。



Jordi Nomen (1965) is a philosophy and social sciences teacher at the Sadako school in Barcelona, recognised as one of the most innovative educational centres in Spain. He has a degree in Contemporary History from the University of Barcelona and a postgraduate degree in Active Citizenship from the same university and a master's degree in Philosophy from the University of Girona. He has been awarded the EDU21 and Arnau de Vilanova prizes for his pedagogical work. He is the author of the best-seller El niño filosofo (Arpa, 2018) and El niño filosofo y el arte (Arpa, 2019), works that have established him as a reference in the field of philosophy for children.