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  • 《飘洋过海》
  • An Ocean Apart
  • 作者:Sarah Lee
  • 出版社代理人:Pan Macmillan(英国)
  • 出版时间:2022年8月
  • 页数:432页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com


来自作者:"I felt compelled to tell this story as many of the experiences of the characters in An Ocean Apart resemble those of the proud, strong, caring women I grew up around, including my own mother. These pioneering young people left their homes, families and all that they knew to come to the 'Mother Country' and help lay the foundations of the NHS, with many giving over their entire working lives to the service. It is a privilege to be able to bring these little known stories to light."

1954年的巴巴多斯,Ruby Haynes看到了一个邀请年轻女孩们去英国为国民保健署培训成为护士的广告。她的妹妹Connie需要一点说服,但很快地,姐妹两人上路去新的国家--以及一个全新的世界。



Sarah Lee有25年的记者以及编辑经验。她最近创办了一个高端旅游部落格LiveShareTravel,跟世界各地的品牌合作创造行销计划。