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  • 冷血案系列一:失踪
  • COLD CASE: FÖRSVUNNEN (Cold Case: Missing)
  • 作者:Tina Frennstedt
  • 出版社代理人:Forum(瑞典)
  • 出版时间:2019年1月
  • 页数:418页
  • 已售版权:捷克丶丹麦丶爱沙尼亚丶芬兰丶德国丶希腊丶荷兰丶挪威丶波兰丶立陶宛丶斯洛伐克
  • 版权联系人:yayu@peonyliteraryagency.com
*本书特别推荐给喜欢推理惊悚小说家Tana FrenchJussi Adler-Olsen Stefan Ahnhem等人作品的读者。

冷血案系列主要围绕在瑞典Malmö警察局的女警Tess Hjalmarsson 和她的同事 Marie Erling的精彩办案故事。
六年前的夏天中旬,一位19岁少女在瑞典南部失踪了。该案件从未被破案,女孩至今仍不见踪影。如今,有另一起在Malmö犯下的恐怖杀手行凶事件。有证据显示,调查的嫌疑犯是长期受到追缉的丹麦连环强奸犯和杀人犯——「Valby 杀手」。 然而,着名研究丹麦犯罪人物Valby杀手的专家Carsten Morris也成为瑞典警察调查的一部分。在完全出乎意料的情况之下,本案件又发生了另一个关联:Malmö的犯罪现场指纹可以追溯到2002年失踪的那位少女。不知这两个案件是否有关联呢?
Impressive suspense debut … From the first to the last page the thrill is present. There’s no bloodbaths or extreme violence, instead the narrative driving force lies with the police work with the empathetic and tough Tess Hjalmarsson in the centre. Tina Frennstedt has great experience as a crime reporter and really knows how the fight against crime works. Fun with the changes between fiction and reality, where known main persons are named.
Tara (betyg 4)
Cold Case: Missing follows parallelly the hunt of the rapist and the digging in Annika’s disappearance. It becomes an appealing mix of high speed and thoughtful investigative work, which creates a thrill but without bustle. Tina Frennstedt builds her plot well and gives, respectfully but real, an insight in the situation of a relative as well as of a suspect with a connection to a case which isn’t closed. She also has a main character and a number of supporting characters that you really want to continue following … Presence, thrill, empathy, passion, clever plot - there are everything and it is looking good for the future parts.
Skånska Dagbladet
She does not only value the authentic portrayal of the police work, but also tells a story about how an unsolved crime affects the lives of the people involved many years later.
Dagens Nyheter
Tina Frennstedt mediates a feeling of Skåne-noir in her skilled suspense debut. Smålandsposten Frennstedt puts time and effort on describing the police work, which makes it both interesting and authentic to follow … an ambitious crime novel that takes its time giving more than just one perspective on what’s going on.
I just had to know how it ended and I have difficulties believing that I will find a crime novel as suspenseful as this year. Cold Case: Missing is unputdownable …
Kalmar läns tidning
Cold Case: Missing is a stylistically solid debut in the crime genre … Frennstedt’s journalistic experiences make the police description, when it comes to the course of action, environment portrayals and character descriptions, not only to work with the suspense but also to feel handled in a believable way and reliable.

Tina Frennstedt是瑞典极为出色的犯罪新闻记者,她担任记者的经验已有25年之久,并常常从举报的案件中汲取许多写作上的灵感和新鲜感。除此之外,她曾在瑞典几家大报担任过新闻编辑,并还制作过电视节目。她擅长侧写分析冷血风格的案件,并以生动可信又观察入微的文字描述出警察工作的细节。本系列的第一本书《冷血案系列:失踪》荣获2019年度最佳犯罪小说新人奖(Crimetime Award for the best crime/suspense),该奖项让Tina Frennstedt成为瑞典犯罪作家的後起新秀之一。