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  • 血橙
  • Blood Orange
  • 作者:Harriet Tyce 
  • 出版社代理人:Wildfire (英国)
  • 出版时间:2019年1月
  • 页数:279页
  • 已售版权:丹麦、挪威、义大利、德国、美国、西班牙、波兰、法国、斯洛伐克
  • 版权联系人:cecily@peonyliteraryagency.com
Alison Wood 是一名总是泡在酒吧的讼务律师。她的事业蒸蒸日上,但她却为了孩子和自己已经不再美满,甚至濒临瓦解的婚姻感到困扰。Alison有很多事都瞒着家人,她最大的秘密是和事务律师Patrick的婚外情。
Alison处理的第一场谋杀案件是要为Madeleine Smith 辩护,因为Madeleine被指控刺杀了对自己施暴的丈夫。就此,Alison工作和私人生活开始互相交叠在一起,甚至带来糟糕的影响。
另一方面,Patrick也被指控犯下了连Alison也无法原谅的罪。她的丈夫Carl 断然拒绝忍受她失败的妻子和母亲角色。同时,Madeleine的态度也不断挑战她的专业。
Extraordinary well-written, gripping, fiercely well-plotted and it’s dark. It has both elements of APPLE TREE YARD and THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN but finding it even better than the latter. The central character is complicated and not easily likeably, but believably, and with her at its heart, the book carries a menacing tone and a sense that something terrible is always lurking around the corner. The prose is beautifully rendered. – Gyldendal Norsk
What a book! You wouldn’t believe that this is the authors first book. We absolutely love it and think that Harriet Tyce is up there with the best in genre. She has done an amazing job in creating a not particularly likable, but reliable and interesting character in Alison. She is a flawed, but deeply human character and we’ve been more than happy to be in her company. It wasn’t for long though: Besides the occasional glances at the telephone, frightened that there should appear some creepy anonymous message, you read the book in practical one setting. It is so well-composed and it is such a refreshing read with its strong writing, psychological nerve and surprising twists and turns. And such a strong ending! One just really wouldn’t like to live under the same roof as Alison and Carl. – Gyldendal Denmark
We were thrilled by this extraordinary novel which brings something entirely new to psychological suspense. It portrays a female character who is really extraordinary, fascinating and disturbing at the same time. – Heyne/Diana, Germany
Harriet Tyce 在爱丁堡长大,在剑桥念英文,之后到伦敦大学城市学院念法律。她在伦敦当刑事讼务律师当了十年。目前在东英格兰大学念硕士,她念的是犯罪文学创意写作,今年底会开始念博士。她目前住在北伦敦。