• 《人造怪物》
  • Man Made Monsters
  • 作者:Andrea L. Rogers | 插画家 Jeff Edwards
  • 出版社代理人:Levine Querido(美国)
  • 出版时间:2022年10月
  • 页数:320页
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:yayu@peonyliteraryagency.com


❝ 2023 Walter Dean Myers Award 杰出儿童文学奖(青少年小说)




这本令人惊叹的短篇小说集,讲述一个庞大的切罗基家族(Cherokee是美洲原住民的文明五部族之一)所经历的两个世纪的故事,作者以扎实流畅的书写风格——兼顾第一人称丶第三人称,甚至第二人称视角——创造了神奇的故事元素。喜欢恐怖元素的读者会在这本书中获得满足——从狼人到吸血鬼再到僵尸——所有久经考验的恐怖坏蛋都在书中。同样美国掠夺者 (帝国的恐怖丶亲密伴侣的暴力丶剥夺等等) 也是如此恐怖;作者想像中的怪物也是如此恐怖,那些关於鹿女丶奇幻海洋生物等等同是取材於切罗基人流传已久的故事。

同为美国切罗基族人的本书插画家Jeff Edwards,以独具风格的黑白线条画风,营造出怪诞的氛围。书中的Noto Sans Cherokee 切罗基字体,加上插画家手绘的Cherokee 切切罗基节表的运用,成功将书面语言完美地融入了本书图像设计中。本书精彩插画结合了切罗基音节,暗示了每个故事背後的历史层次。

作者 Andrea L. Rogers | 插画家 Jeff Edwards


★ Publishers Weekly Best of 2022
★ Washington Post Best of 2022
★ Horn Book Best of 2022
★ New York Public Library Best of 2022

“A brilliant and expansive journey across time, seen through a Cherokee lens. This collection is full to the brim with voice and breadth, including but not limited to magic, horror, and fantasy. The book is fun, funny, and dead-serious. It is beautifully written, and it is full of monsters.”

—Tommy Orange, Pulitzer Prize finalist author of There, There

“Rogers writes like the house is on fire and her words are the only thing that can put it out.”

—Stephen Graham Jones, New York Times bestselling author of Mongrels and The Only Good Indian

“Fierce, fantastic, ingeniously Indigenous. Smashes all expectations. I felt my teeth getting sharper with every turn of a page.”

—Cynthia Leitich Smith, New York Times bestselling author and author-curator of Heartdrum

“This collection is full to the brim with voice and breadth, including but not limited to magic, horror, and fantasy. The book is fun, funny, and dead-serious. It is beautifully written, and it is full of monsters.”
— Pulitzer Prize finalist Tommy Orange, author of There There

“Andrea Rogers writes like the house is on fire and her words are the only thing that can put it out.”
— Stephen Graham Jones, New York Times Bestselling author of The Only Good Indians

“Teen and adult readers looking for a taste of the gorgeously gruesome should snap up this dark, engrossing jewel.”
— Shelf-Awareness (starred)

“Many of these stories sound as if they were passed down as family histories. It may read like speculative fiction, but it feels like truth.”
— Horn Book (starred)

— Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books (starred)

“Spine-tingling... a simultaneously frightening and enthralling read.”
—Publishers Weekly (starred)

“Chilling… Exquisite… A creepy and artful exploration of a haunting heritage.”
—Kirkus (starred)

“Startling…Will leave readers—adults as well as teens—unsettled, feeling like they have caught a glimpse into a larger world, and like there is a wider one still, just out of sight.”
—Booklist (starred)