• 与黑猩猩同行
  • Walking With Great Apes: Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Biruté Galdikas
  • 作者:Sy Montgomery
  • 出版社代理人:Chelsea Green(美国)
  • 出版时间:2009年
  • 页数:272页包括彩色插图
  • 已售版权:
  • 版权联系人:tina@peonyliteraryagency.com

Jane Goodall, Dian Fossey, Biruté Galdikas—三名伟大的女性科学家。她们在近几年深入非洲和婆罗洲的丛林去观察、培育和保护人类的近亲。Jane Goodall跟贡贝的黑猩猩合作了约50年;Diane Fossey在1985年离世的时候正在保护卢旺达的山地大猩猩;Biruté Galdikas跟婆罗洲的猩猩近距离的相处。她们三人都曾经是伟大的英菲考古学家Louis Leakey的学生,都在田野里研究好多年,让类人猿成为它们的宠儿,并最终发动战斗力,帮助它们不在野外灭绝。

她们单独的成就已经非常令人佩服,三位加起来的成就更是不可思议。她们永远改变了人类如何看待我们这些最亲近的进化亲戚、我们自己以及我们如何进行良好的科学工作。从她们的个人故事到她们研究的黑猩猩,作者Sy Montgomery探讨了这些伟大女性背后的科学、智慧以及人生经历。


In this study of three great female primatologists, science journalist Montgomery moves beyond biography into ethology, taking a step that goes well beyond even her subjects' research. Goodall, Fossey and Galdikas each made a similar leap, the author contends, moving from observers and recorders to an almost shamanistic quest to enter the world of the apes they studied. These personal transformations are sketchily supported with anecdotes from the field, personal interviews and even a jarring account of an attempt to contact Fossey, after her death, via channeling. Montgomery adds little to Farley Mowat's 1988 biography of Fossey, Woman in the Mists , but she offers a few fresh angles on Goodall, Galdikas and other characters, human and ape, met before in their books. In an epilogue, Montgomery offers the intriguing view of these scientists as pioneers of a particularly female way of scientific knowing that deserves fuller argument than three portraits allow. Photos. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.-- Publishers Weekly

"This is a book about how love--the power that moves us beyond us and our own self interest to form relationships with an 'other'--can transform lives and worlds.... Author Montgomery brings an admirable grace and kindness to her treatment of the three women's lives and work, affording them, in many ways, the same dignity and respect they offered to the animals they observed and card for so deeply.... It is worth reading simply as expert storytelling, animated by particular and passionate writing."--Cape Cod Times


Researching articles, films, and her twenty-one books for adults and children, bestselling author Sy Montgomery has been chased by an angry silverback gorilla in Rwanda, hunted by a tiger in India, and swum with piranhas, electric eels, and pink dolphins in the Amazon. Her work has taken her from the cloud forest of Papua New Guinea (for a book on tree kangaroos) to the Altai Mountains of the Gobi (for another on snow leopards.) Her books for adults include The Soul of an Octopus (a National Book Award finalist), The Good Good Pig, Birdology, Spell of the Tiger, Journey of the Pink Dolphins, and Walking with the Great Apes. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband, the writer Howard Mansfield, their border collie, Thurber, and their flock of free-range laying hens.